About Us
Greetings from MEPL's representative

MEPL is the first leading organization in Japan that provides education and total services specialised for 'School Nursing'
How MEPL came into being
MEPL, a general incorporated association, was established in August 2020.
The number of children with illnesses and disabilities, in addition, to children with complex medical care needs is increasing. While those children have been able to live at home more than before, the situation surrounding such children is becoming more diverse.
As a nurse, I have worked for about 40 years at facilities for the disabled, home healthcare settings, and clinics. I’ve met people who were at a loss about how to live with illness and disabilities, and how to raise their children with complex medical care needs. Social support and resources for these children are increasing. Nevertheless, they still face an obstacle in Japanese society.
‘How can I and my child be ourselves in our everyday life?’
‘How can we live life to the full?’
‘How can my child study at a school with other children?’
We MEPL aim to realise genuine inclusive education. In order to establish a normal educational setting for children with illness, disabilities, or complex medical care needs, School Nursing is the key at this stage. Considering the diverse situation of the children, school nursing is expected to be redefined which can respond to their reality with them. The Medical Education Partnership Liaison refelcts our belief. Based on the belief, MAPL provides total support for every child with illness, disabilities, or complex medical care needs and their families, and professionals who support the children and their families.